At the end of September, members of the Jackson Lab travelled to the 8th Scientific Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology and the 2nd Panhellenic Conference on Neuropsychology (FESN HNPS 2023).
Across this three day conference, we communicated our current research findings to the scientific community in one symposia, four talks and three posters!
Unwanted Thoughts and Actions
Including talks from: Stephen Jackson, Mairi Houlgreave, Joanna Loayza, Yulia Worbe
The Neuropsychology of Unwanted Thoughts and Actions: evidence from Tourette syndrome - S. R. Jackson, United Kingdom
Investigating the functional anatomy and oscillatory dynamics of urge - M.S. Houlgreave, E. Uruñuela, C. CaballeroGaudes, K. Dyke, A. Gialopsou, P. Gowland, R.M. Sánchez-Panchuelo, I. Mohammed, E. Boto, V. Brandt, M. Brookes, S.R. Jackson, United Kingdom, Spain
Further characterisation of the rat model of Tourette-related striatal disinhibition: in vivo electrophysiological and behavioural studies - J. Loayza, C. Taylor J. Renstrom, R. Grasmeder Allen, S. R. Jackson, T. Bast, United Kingdom
Investigating neuronal noise as a mechanism of tic generation - A. Gialopsou, C.M. Smith, M.S. Houlgreave, I.R. Farr, S.R. Jackson, United Kingdom
Exploring the effects of rhythmic and arrhythmic median nerve stimulation to guide future therapeutic treatments for tic disorders - Presented by I. Farr
Cortical motor representations, inhibition and sensory processing in Tourette Syndrome - Presented by C.M. Smith
Using 7T-fMRI to investigate cortical motor representations in response to intermittent theta burst stimulation - Presented by C.M. Smith