Tourette Syndrome Research
At the University of Nottingham, we are very interested in learning more about Tourette syndrome and using this knowledge to improve diagnosis, treatment and awareness.
This webpage contains updates from our most recent work led by professors Stephen and Georgina Jackson.
​Thank you for your support, participation and interest in the research we do!
Tourette's Research at University of Nottingham - Jackson Lab TS​

Working towards better understanding, treatment and awareness.
Jackson Lab, University of Nottingham

We are excited to invite you to our Tourette's Research event taking place on the 15th May, 17.00-19.00 at the University of Nottingham. This event will include short talks from world renowned experts and a panel where you can put your questions to them. This is a opportunity to hear the latest developments in research and to engage in discussions.
Please follow this link or scan the QR code to complete a quick (2 minute) expression of interest form.

Learn more about Neupulse and how the median nerve device works by playing the video
Watch Neupulse featured on the Channel 5 documentary 'Teacher with Tourette's: Cursing in the classroom' featuring Natalie Davidson by clicking the button below.​
Visit the Neupulse website to find out more.

Helping with Research
Where can I find details about current research projects?
There are a few ways you can find out about our new projects:
1: You can look at the 'Get Involved' section on the website and fill out this form.
2: You can sign up for our newsletter here.
3: Contact or any of the named researchers on our 'Get Involved' page.
Why do some studies have age limits?
Lots of our studies are focused on young people. This is because older people with TS have often developed compensatory strategies to suppress their tics. These changes may be reflected by structural and functional changes in the brain. This makes it difficult for us to determine what is due to pathology and what is due to the developed compensatory mechanisms.
Other reasons for having set age limits include aiming to study a time when tics are at their maximum intensity for most people or looking at times when many people are able to suppress their tics for a short period of time.
​You can read more about this here
How do 'inconvenience allowances' work?
An inconvenience allowance is a small financial allowance for taking part in the studies. Usually this takes the form of a cash payment when you come to Nottingham. The amounts can vary between different studies, but you should be told exactly what this is before signing up
What happens to the findings of the studies once they are finished?
Once we have finished collecting all the data and analysing it, we write the studies up to be published in scientific journals. Sometimes these are free for everyone to see, but occasionally there may be a charge to access them. If this happens, the best thing to do is give us an email so we can send you a copy. We may also present the findings at scientific conferences and meetings.
Can people find out if you took part in the research?
Only if you want them to! Whenever you take part in one of our studies you will be given an ID number, so your name and other personal details will not be able to be connected to you. In some studies where we take videos, we may ask you for permission to show these for teaching/research purposes but we would only ever do so if you agreed to this
What happens if you don't like it?
If you come in for a study and don't like it you can stop any time! We know it can be hard to stay still in an MRI scanner and that not everyone likes answering questions about their tics, and that's absolutely fine